Groysman: the first Constitutional Commission meeting will take place next week

Next week, the first meeting of the Constitutional Commission will take place. The Chairperson of the Ukrainian Parliament Volodymyr Groysman made this statement at a meeting with the representatives of the Yalta European Strategy Board on Thursday, April 2.

Groysman said that the Commission headed by Head of Verkhovna Rada was formed of Ukrainian Presidents, specialists in the field of constitutional law — people's deputies and experts, representatives of political parties and international organizations.

The Head of the Ukrainian Parliament expressed his conviction that the constitutional reform in terms of the decentralization of power, formation of effective local government was a precondition for creation of “independent management system in the state” and stressed that respective amendments were to be introduced before October this year. “In terms of procedure, we have enough time to do that” said V.Groysman.

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