Polish experts will assist Ukraine in implementation of pilot projects on unification of territorial communities

Polish experts will provide advisory support to Ukraine in implementation of regional pilot projects of territorial community unification. The information was provided by deputy Minister of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services of Ukraine, Vyacheslav Negoda, after the XII meeting of Inter-government Coordination Council for inter-regional cooperation, which took place on March 31 – April 1 2015 in the Polish city of Rzeszow.

 “Our first-priority task at the present stage is the Governmental approval of the Methodology of formation of capable territorial communities. This will allow oblast’ state administrations (jointly with local self-government bodies) to start working on development and approval of prospective plans of formation of territorial communities as fast as possible. In this context, first and foremost, we are going to use Polish experience as an example; we also hope to get active support of Polish colleagues, their consultative assistance on both regional and local levels. Polish side is ready to provide support to local authorities in implementation of pilot projects on voluntary unification of territorial communities”, said Vyacheslav Negoda.

Deputy Minister also reminded that, according to recommendation of Expert group under the Chairman of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the following issues are worked on: creation of regional offices and introduction of the office of authorized representatives for implementation of reforms in the spheres of local self-government, decentralization, and territorial organization of authority.

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