Local Self-Government Bodies in the Territory of Anti-Terrorist Operation Will Be Able to Carry Out Full-Scale Activities

Local self-government bodies of Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts operating in the territory controlled by Ukraine will be able to carry out registration actions with regard to legal entities.

On 17 May, the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine adopted, in the second reading and as a whole, draft law No. 4048 "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Temporary Measures for the Period of Anti-Terrorist Operation" (regarding unimpeded activities of local self-government bodies).

In the territories where representative bodies of local self-government exercise their powers, which bodies have been elected in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Local Elections", dated 14 July 2015, it will be allowed to effect registration actions related to the change of shareholders (participants) and the manager of a legal entity having its registered office in the territory of the anti-terrorist operation.

Also, business entities operating in those territories will not be exempted from the payment of a fee for the use of the communal and state-owned land plots, as well as for the lease of the communal and state-owned property.

The Ministry of Regional Development supported the unblocking of activities of local self-government bodies and replenishment of local budgets for account of payment of respective taxes.

As it was reported, the said draft law was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine in the first reading on 12 April 2016. 

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