On August 16, the USAID HOVERLA Activity team presented the Analytical Portal to Odesa Oblast Military Administration. The Analytical Portal is a geographic information system containing the most up-to-date data on the region.
The Analytical Portal, built on geospatial data, allows for a detailed analysis of various aspects of life in the Oblast: from urban development planning and natural resource assessment to environmental monitoring and social infrastructure analysis.
The portal's statistics help identify which facilities require major repairs, where new road sections should be constructed, and where cell phone towers need to be installed.
For example, in Rivne Oblast, road repairs are planned based on its Analytical Portal. In Lviv Oblast, investors are assessing their chances of success using the Analytical Portal. Notably, in the first year of the full-scale invasion, the Analytical Portal helped Lviv Oblast attract over $1 million to its budget by attracting international development projects to construct facilities for IDPs. All this information was gathered through the Analytical Portal. Therefore, this facility has become an indispensable tool for making informed decisions across various sectors.
Serhiy Kropyva, First Deputy Head of the Odesa Oblast State Administration, said in his welcoming speech:
“The work of every manager begins with a strategy, and a strategy is impossible without proper analytical work. The Odesa Oblast Analytical Portal will help each territorial community to take a strategic approach to solving any problems. We are taking a responsible approach to the launch of the Odesa Oblast Analytical Portal as it is the first step towards systematic investments in our region.”
The Odesa Oblast Analytical Portal is the seventh such platform in Ukraine. These tools are already in place in Lviv, Poltava, Rivne, Volyn, Zakarpattia Oblasts, and the city of Kyiv.
The Odesa Oblast Analytical Portal is available at the following link: https://apoova-hoverla.hub.arcgis.com
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