Specificities of document workflow organisation in military administrations at communities’ level
Specificities of document workflow organisation in military administrations at communities’ level

The Council of Europe within its Programme “Strengthening Good Democratic Governance and Resilience in Ukraine” in co-operation with the Association of Ukrainian Cities prepared an Explanatory note on the specificities of document workflow organisation in military administrations at communities’ level.

The Explanatory note covers the following topics:

  • The difference between an order and a decree of the head of the military administration at community level;
  • General principles of document workflow organisation in the military administration at community level;
  • The procedure for approving the nomenclature of cases;
  • Establishment of expert commissions.

The document was prepared by Mr Oleksandr Lohinov, lawyer of the Legal Service of the Association of Ukrainian Cities, consultant of the Council of Europe Programme “Strengthening Good Democratic Governance and Resilience in Ukraine”.

Detailed information is available in Ukrainian

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