Immediate Response Expert Group is Formed to Deal with the Matters of Consolidated Communities

The Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Utilities of Ukraine formed an expert group to immediately deal with the matters of consolidated territorial communities.

"The territorial communities which have already been consolidated find themselves in new conditions of work, face a great number of questions the answers to which are hard to find, and there is no time to prepare official requests for explanations. At the local level, they work fast, consequently, they have to obtain answers from the experts as promptly as possible", it was said so by First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Utilities of Ukraine Viacheslav Nehoda.

To promptly respond to the requests of communities, the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Utilities of Ukraine proposed that representatives of the central bodies of executive power, all-Ukrainian associations of local self-government and experts combine their efforts.

The formed expert group will monitor problematic issues of communities and will give relevant advice to local self-government authorities.

"At this time, the elections have been conducted in the consolidated communities, councils and their executive bodies have been formed, heads have been elected, and budgets have been approved. However, in the course of formation of new communities, there arise a lot of questions regarding the arrangement for exercising powers in the area of education, health care, social protection, provision of administrative services and utilities, creation of Administrative Service Centers, as well as property and financial matters. In addition, the consolidated communities need substantial support in drawing-up their development strategies, projects, and programmes which may be funded at the expense of the State Fund for Regional Development, a special subvention, other sources. And our task is to help, promptly provide advice", said the First Deputy Minister.

Heads of the consolidated communities may contact experts at any time - by phone or by email - and ask questions.

"The experts will either immediately give advice when the question is standard or promptly call for a meeting where we will jointly make a decision and inform the community", Viacheslav Nehoda assured.

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