International partners are invited to join the launch of Reform Support Offices in municipalities

Reform Support Offices will provide consulting and technical support to local self-government bodies in matters of anti-corruption policy, management of investment projects and application of digital tools as well as become a transparent platform for regions to communicate with potential donors and adopt best global practices.

This was announced by Oleksandra Azarkhina, Deputy Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, at the meeting of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.

“Our approach to the recovery of Ukraine is centred around the provision of quality services for people and creating comfortable living conditions in the country. We will not be able to achieve this without the active participation of local self-government, because it is the key link in assessing the needs of the population and planning future projects.

Our task as the Ministry is to lay the ground for the effective functioning of local authorities. Naturally, all these efforts will be part of decentralisation processes, which is why we chose the format of Reform Support Offices as independent expert teams that will be able to provide professional assistance to municipalities and improve the quality of their work in accordance with modern international standards.

This tool has already proven itself in Ukraine. It is also important that it is understandable and verified by our international partners. That is why we are currently in the process of negotiations with various countries regarding their active involvement in the project,” Oleksandra Azarkhina said.

Oleksandra Azarkhina also reaffirmed the Ministry of Reconstruction’s commitment to continuing the decentralisation reform. In this process, the institution will cooperate both with local self-government bodies directly and with international partners and the expert community.

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