Methodological recommendations: creation and organisation of an inclusive multifunctional co-working space

The Council of Europe supported preparation of the methodological recommendations regarding creation and organisation of an inclusive multifunctional co-working space (taking into account the case of  Zhovkva educational and rehabilitation centre “Zlahoda”).

This guidance was elaborated taking into account  results of the grant project “Enhancing local economy and good governance in Zhovkva community (Lviv region)” implemented by the NGO “Education for Success” with the financial support of the Council of Europe within the Programme “Enhancing decentralisation and public administration reform in Ukraine”. The methodological recommendations were produced in consultancy support of the Council of Europe Project “Continued support to promoting social human rights in Ukraine”.

Methodological recommendations in Ukrainian are available here.

20.01.2023 - 16:14 | Views: 2536
Methodological recommendations: creation and organisation of an inclusive multifunctional co-working space


education social services


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