Kyiv to become the first sister city of Copenhagen

The municipality of Copenhagen is on the way to signing a twinning agreement with the capital of Ukraine.

This is reported by the official website of the municipality of Copenhagen.

The report states that Copenhagen currently has no sister city in the world. However, the capital of Denmark makes an exception for Kyiv, at the suggestion of Kyiv Mayor Vitaly Klitschko.

“The municipality of Copenhagen refrained from concluding general twinning agreements. However, in the light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the economic administration believes that the situation in Ukraine is an exception that can speak about the conclusion of a twinning agreement. Therefore, the Department of Economy has prepared a draft twinning agreement based on Kyiv’s proposal,” the website of the municipality says.

“Copenhagen supports Ukrainians and Kyiv. Over the course of a year, we have accepted several thousand Ukrainians and are doing everything possible to help them in difficult times. But I hope that we can do even more for their Motherland in a state of war by contributing to the reconstruction of Kyiv. In this way, we can help from one capital to another, and we can even better unite our population,” noted Sophie Hæstorp Andersen, Lord Mayor of Copenhagen.

The agreement, which is planned to be signed for a period of three years, will become a reality when it is officially approved by Kyiv and the Public Representation of the Municipality of Copenhagen. It is noted that this agreement can be a good starting point for Copenhagen to help rebuild Kyiv.

11.01.2023 - 14:25 | Views: 2404
Kyiv to become the first sister city of Copenhagen


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