World for Ukraine Summit to take place in Rzeszów, Poland, on December 7-9


Since the outset of the invasion of Ukraine, the situation in the country has been far from stable. The Ukrainian state and nation have shown extraordinary strength and resilience in the face of a much stronger opponent. They continue to do so, but any resolution is still a distant prospect.

That is why there should be a platform for various stakeholders, such as NGOs, intergovernmental organisations, institutions, politicians, businesses, etc. to be able to meet, hold discussions and cooperate with the hope of bringing relief to Ukraine and people who left their homes.

This is how the World for Ukraine Summit (W4UA) was born.

The World for Ukraine Summit (W4UA) is an event that highlights current humanitarian aid projects and explores areas of importance for Ukraine’s future. Covering a wide range of issues — from the protection of the rights of refugee minors and education to the restoration of the Ukrainian economy and the reconstruction of hospitals and urban spaces — this event is a unique opportunity to raise awareness and attract all possible resources to help Ukraine.

Professionals from all walks of life will participate in the W4UA Summit and will have a chance to meet and share ideas and best practices during round tables, presentations, workshops, panel discussions and other events.

The idea behind the W4UA Summit is to facilitate cross-industry dialogue and networking.

The visit of the delegation of Ukrainian heads of municipalities was organised with the support of the Swedish-Ukrainian project “Supporting Decentralisation in Ukraine” (SALAR International) and USAID.

The main goal of the delegation is to establish a partnership between Ukrainian municipalities and humanitarian and international organisations from around the world and to raise awareness of the life of municipalities in wartime.

The Summit will also include a networking session to establish relations between Ukrainian and European municipalities. (Please find the programme attached).

Watch the broadcast on the Summit’s website:



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