NACP presents research on corruption risks in kindergartens and schools

On November 9, 2022, the presentation of the results of the study "Strategic analysis of corruption risks in preschool and general secondary education" will take place. The event starts at 11:00.

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NACP) together with the U-LEAD with Europe will present the results of the analytical study "Strategic analysis of corruption risks in preschool and general secondary education".

During the event, the top 35 corruption risks in preschool and general secondary education will be presented, as well as general recommendations on how to minimize them.

Among the participants of the event:

  • Serhiy Derkach, head of the Department of Prevention and Detection of Corruption of NACP;
  • Yuliya Hryshina, People's Deputy of Ukraine;
  • Serhii Gorbachev, educational ombudsman;
  • Oksana Hus, researcher, University of Bologna, U-LEAD with Europe expert;
  • Oleksandra Koidel, a teacher at the Kyiv School of Economics, U-LEAD with Europe expert;
  • heads of municipalities;
  • heads of education departments, school principals;
  • representatives of parental control;
  • anti-corruption commissioners of local self-government bodies.

The participants of the presentation will discuss the following issues:

– challenges for preschool and school education under martial law;

– threats posed by corruption;

– advice on the implementation of research recommendations;

– positive cases that contribute to changes and minimization of risks in the area of education.

The online broadcast will be available on the Facebook pages of U-LEAD and NACP.

04.11.2022 - 11:45 | Views: 2692
NACP presents research on corruption risks in kindergartens and schools


anti-corruption announcement


Програма «U-LEAD з Європою»

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