German sister city is helping Bucha to restore passenger transportation

Bucha received 10 buses for passenger transportation from its sister city of Bergisch Gladbach to use.

This was announced by Anatolii Fedoruk, Mayor of Bucha.

“Negotiations with German counterparts lasted for several months. Having drawn up the proper documentation, the drivers covered about 1,800 kilometres to deliver the buses to Bucha. Now we are creating a utility company that will provide passenger transport services to people not only in the Bucha municipality, but also in neighbouring ones,” said Anatolii Fedoruk.

He thanked the municipality of Bergisch Gladbach, Mayor Frank Stein and Jörg Köhler, Chief of Fire Safety of the city, for their help.

In August 2022, the city of Bucha signed an agreement on cooperation with the German city of Bergisch Gladbach.

In June 2022, the city of Bucha entered into the Twinning Pact with the Italian municipality of Bergamo.

The Bucha City Council recently supported draft decisions on the approval of the Agreement on Cooperation and Partnership between Bucha and the cities of Kavadarci (North Macedonia) and Avranches (France).

In March, the Ministry for Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine initiated the International Marathon of Local Governments aimed at drawing the attention of the municipalities around the world to the tragedy of Ukrainian municipalities and boosting the process of establishing sisterly relations.


27.10.2022 - 15:53 | Views: 1814
German sister city is helping Bucha to restore passenger transportation


partnership international support


Київська область


Бучанська територіальна громада


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