October 19 – Final conference of the Grant project on school co-working spaces in five selected communities

What school co-working spaces are, and do they differ from regular workshops?

Why is it worth investing in school co-working spaces during wartime?

How can internally displaced persons help host communities through school co-working spaces?

These and many other questions will be discussed during the presentation of the results of the Grant project “Enhancing local economy and good governance” on Wednesday, 19 October, from 3:00 to 4:30 pm (EET). The grant project is implemented by the NGO “Education for Success” with the support of the Council of Europe Programme “Enhancing decentralisation and public administration reform in Ukraine”.

National experts Markiyan Datsyshyn, Serhii Dyatlenko, Ivan Savytskyi, executive director of the Association of Amalgamated Communities Valentina Poltavets, mayors of Kopychyntsi (Bohdan Kelichaviy) and Pustomyty (Oleh Serniak), and representatives of educational institutions will share their experience of using school co-working spaces to reveal the creative and entrepreneurial potential of children and adults, as well as adaptations of internally displaced persons.

Working language is Ukrainian.

In order to participate in the event, please register online following the link

After registration you will receive the invitation to join the Zoom conference.

13.10.2022 - 14:08 | Views: 2476
October 19 – Final conference of the Grant project on school co-working spaces in five selected communities


announcement education


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