Irpin and the Mexican city of Tlajomulco became twin cities

Irpin and the Mexican city of Tlahomulco are officially sister cities. The relevant Memorandum on international partnership was signed on behalf of Oleksandr Markushyn by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Mexico, Oksana Dramaretska, and head of the Executive Council of the Tlajomulco City Hall, Omar Cervantes Rivera. The conclusion of the contract was witnessed by the federal deputy Ms. Maria Ascension Alvarez Soliz.

This was announced by Oleksandr Markushyn on his Facebook page.

He also noted that the document confirmed the parties' intentions to implement joint projects in the fields of culture, education, medicine and economy.

It should be recalled that Irpin was twinned with the Spanish city of Guernica. The parties signed a memorandum of friendship and twinning between the cities in September 2022. Irpin City Council also approved the decision to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Spanish city of Alcalá de Henares.

Earlier, "Decentralization" reported on Irpin's intentions to twin with the city of Miami (USA).

Back in March, the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine initiated the International Marathon of Local Self-Government, aimed at drawing the attention of the world's municipalities to the tragedy of Ukrainian municipalities and activating the process of establishing sisterly relations.


partnership international support


Київська область


Ірпінська територіальна громада


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