Kamianske municipality develops a partnership with the French municipality of Porto-Vecchio with the support of U-LEAD

On September 21, with the support of U-LEAD with Europe, the first online meeting of the head of Kamianske municipality and the mayor of the city of Porto Vecchio (France) took place within the framework of the “Bridges of Trust” initiative, that aims to develop cooperation between the Ukrainian hromadas and municipalities of Slovenia, Slovakia, Germany, Poland, France and other countries.

Mayor of the municipality of Porto Vecchio Jean-Christophe Angelini welcomed the participants of the event and presented basic information about his city, emphasizing the interest in cooperation. Kamianske village head Mykhailo Stanynets familiarized his French colleagues with the history of the municipality and talked about its tourist potential and the main sectors of the economy that can be developed by implementing joint projects.

During the meeting, the parties discussed potential areas of future cooperation between municipalities. In particular, grant work and implementation of projects in the field of tourism, culture and agriculture. Cooperation on the creation of an industrial park and a utility enterprise in Kamianske municipality was also considered.

Representatives of Kamianske municipality were invited to the city of Porto Vecchio for a seminar on sustainable tourism in November in order to further deepen relations, prepare a draft cooperation agreement and exchange experience on the development of the tourism sector.

In the near future, working groups will be created to start implementing the developed proposals.


international support partnership


Закарпатська область


Кам'янська територіальна громада


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