U-LEAD helps Chernihiv establish cooperation with French Reims

Chernihiv, with the support of U-LEAD, is establishing a partnership with Reims, France. On August 30, the first online meeting of heads of municipalities took place. Vladyslav Atroshenko discussed the first steps in cooperation with Arnaud Robinet, the mayor of Reims.

In Chernihiv, the Russians destroyed part of the city's infrastructure, 863 multi-story residential buildings and more than 2,000 private homes of Chernihiv residents. Today, the municipality is recovering, Reims has experience in such work, because after the First World War it was in similar conditions.

“We see many parallels between our cities. We have a similar history, – noted the mayor of Reims, Arnaud Robinet, - We also have a similar sad experience – Reims, like Chernihiv, also received the status of a hero city and had to go through the process of reconstruction after large-scale destruction during the First World War. In this process, we were massively supported by our partners and friends, and we consider it our duty to provide the same support to Ukrainians now”.

This was the first meeting aimed to establish cooperation and find common ideas. The officials discussed possible projects in the field of water supply and water purification, support for youth and children, work with archives in both cities, development of tourism and culture, especially in view of Reims' candidacy for the European Capital of Culture in 2028. Vladyslav Atroshenko spoke about the development of the city until February 24 and about the consequences of Russian aggression.

“We value your experience and technology in this process. We are facing a difficult winter, the war is still going on, but we must persevere and rebuild the city. Your support is important,” Vladyslav Atroshenko outlined.

The first meeting was organized with the support of U-LEAD with Europe. Deputy GIZ Progemme Director of U-LEAD with Europe Andrej Horvat supported the efforts of municipalities to cooperate.

“We are building bridges of trust together, helping municipalities to find exactly those European partners with whom we will implement joint projects,” Andrej Horvat said.

U-LEAD with Europe Programme actively promotes the development of such initiatives. This creates new opportunities for Ukrainian municipalities. First of all, in the process of attracting aid for the restoration of infrastructure and humanitarian projects. In addition, new good-neighbourly relations make it possible to establish permanent cultural, educational and economic ties.


31.08.2022 - 18:13 | Views: 1987
U-LEAD helps Chernihiv establish cooperation with French Reims

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Чернігівська область


Чернігівська територіальна громада


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