Parliament did not support the draft law on service in local self-government bodies, on which the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service worked for a year
On August 30, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine lacked only three votes to vote in the first reading for the draft law “On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies” No 6504.
This was announced by Vitaliy Bezgin, MP of Ukraine and Chairman of the Subcommittee on Administrative and Territorial Organization and Local Self-Government of the Committee on Organization of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning.
The National Agency of Ukraine for Public Service (NADS) was the leader in the preparation of the draft law, which has long been needed by local self-government. The agency worked on the document for about a year. Government officials, MPs, representatives of local self-government associations, international experts were involved in the work.
This month, the Council of Europe gave a generally positive conclusion to the draft law. According to the international partners, this draft law was an important step on the way to the harmonization of the provisions of civil service and service in local self-government bodies, its adoption would improve the current situation. However, experts drew attention to some problematic aspects that could be resolved before the second reading.
As a reminder, the Decentralization portal has prepared an infographic on the main provisions of draft law No. 6504:

service in local self-government law
Пресцентр ініціативи "Децентралізація"

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