Request for proposals: Citizen Engagement and information sharing Specialist

Request for proposals: Citizen Engagement and information sharing Specialist. PROSTO “Support to Services Accessibility in Ukraine”.

Location: Kyiv, with possibilities to work remotely within Ukraine.

Duration: 12 months.

SKL International is looking for a Citizen Engagement and information sharing Specialist for supporting the implementation of the project SALAR support to administrative services development in Ukraine 2021-2023. The position shall be consultancies contracts for around 12 months.

Required skills and Experience:

  • University Degree in political science, journalism, communications or equivalent (Master degree is a strong asset)
  • At least 3 years of relevant professional experience performing tasks similar to the described job position
  • Successful track record in conducting citizen engagement activities, including working with methodological materials
  • Ability to establish strong working relationships with local government officials, civic leaders, media and international donors
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, as well as report writing and analytical skills
  • Proven ability to use creative and effective communication tools
  • Fluency in Ukrainian
  • Professional-level English, both written and oral is desirable
  • Previous experience of working with the governmental sector, local self-governance is a strong asset.

Interested applicants should send their proposal, comprising the following documents, to SALAR International no later than August 15, 2022:

  1. A short explanation of the applicant’s suitability for the assignment (maximum one A4-page)
  2. Up-to-date CV indicating relevant experience and qualifications.

The Citizen Engagement Specialist will be selected based on their professional experience and competences matching the requirements described above. This Request for Position is issued on July 22, 2022. Proposals and questions should be sent latest August 15, 2022 by email to:

Mark your email with Citizen engagement specialist Ukraine 2022-2023 in the subject. No compensation is paid for proposals and interviews during the recruitment process.

Questions regarding the position can be sent to the same email ( Responses to questions will be shared to applicants by email.

For more information, please download the Terms of Reference.

25.07.2022 - 14:39 | Views: 2115
Request for proposals: Citizen Engagement and information sharing Specialist




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