Bucha and Bergamo became twin cities

The city of Bucha and the Italian city of Bergamo are now sister cities. Mayor Anatoliy Fedoruk and Bergamo Mayor Giorgio Gori signed a twinning pact between the two cities.

This was reported by the official website of the Bucha City Council.

The Italian side will systematically assist in rebuilding Bucha municipality and working out ways out of the difficult economic situation caused by the war.

It is reported that the mayor of Bergamo is also the honorary president of the CESVI Foundation, which was one of the first to provide humanitarian aid to Bucha municipality in the most difficult days after the deoccupation.

In total, according to the Association of Ukrainian Cities, four European cities have already joined the restoration of Bucha. In addition to Bergamo, Bucha has concluded cooperation and partnership agreements with the cities of Cascais (Republic of Portugal), Bergisch Gladbach (Federal Republic of Germany), and Kočevje (Republic of Slovenia).

Back in March, the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine initiated the International Marathon of Local Self-Government aimed at drawing the attention of world municipalities to the tragedy of Ukrainian municipalities and intensifying the process of establishing twinning relations.




Київська область


Бучанська територіальна громада


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