Oleksiy Chernyshov, Minister for Communities and Territories Development, agreed with his Polish counterpart Michał Dworczyk on the provision of 3 modular towns for temporarily displaced persons to Ukraine free of charge, and today the Polish side began setting them up in Lviv.
“I am positive that these towns will be comfortable for IDPs. Each town can accommodate 350 people, includes both residential and sanitary modules (toilet/shower) and is equipped with electricity, heating, electrical outlets and—which is important—adequately furnished. Yes, they will not replace a house, but at least they will give comfort to those who escaped from hell unleashed on our land by the enemy,” said Oleksiy Chernyshov.
The Minister also thanked the Polish side for not only giving our fellow citizens the opportunity to receive a comfortable temporary shelter, but also for the free delivery and installation. “Poland remains our reliable partner and friend!” he emphasised.
He also thanked Andriy Sadovyi, Mayor of Lviv, for allocating sites for these towns, which already have 25 modular structures.
According to the UN, the Lviv region has received the most IDPs: more than 560,000 Ukrainians have temporarily moved there. That is why Lviv was the first to set up such towns.
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