We have never been serfs

"Tanks cannot scare us – we are from Bashtanka". These words became one of the slogans of the heroic struggle of Mykolaiv against the Russian invaders. Pictures of farmers next to the won multimillion-dollar equipment flew around social networks.

This settlement - the former regional center - is located an hour's drive from Mykolaiv. The occupiers wanted to pass through it on the evening of March 1, but they failed. The locals met the Russian soldiers so that they ran away through the fields.

"Most of the equipment has returned through Snihurivka, I have a video where ordinary people are laughing at it," said Vitaliy Kim, the head of the military administration of Mykolaiv region, following this episode of the war. "Now people gather equipment, collect everything Russians left in the fields and put it in their hangars, waiting for them to leave."

So where does the fighting spirit of Bashtanka people come from? I’m asking this question to Oleh Trebukh. He is the director of the local history museum. Who knows everything about the roots better?

It turns out everything is not that simple. Descendants of the Cossacks moved to these cities from Poltava region at the beginning of the 19th century. That is why the village was named Poltavka. It was renamed Bashtanka only in 1928.

"People who settled here received the status of state peasants. They behaved peacefully, but everyone around them knew that it was better not to mess with them - they would knock heads. Such a militant spirit passed from parents and grandparents. While the neighboring villages were working as slaves, they said: "We have never been serfs," - says Oleh.

Bashtanka will enter the history of Ukraine later - in 1919. Back then this region was captured by the Russian White Guards. Robbery, terror, and attempts to regain landlordism had begun. And the peasant's rebel. Poltavka-Bashtanka mayor Pavlo Tur and his brother Ivan, with the support of the locals, had organized the first detachment of 50 people. The rebel committee then announced the mobilization of men between the ages of 18 and 35, and 5 detachments with a total of 2,000 men appeared.

This will be called the Bashtanka Uprising, and the Bashtanka Republic itself will last for 2 months.

Who knows, maybe if the Russian military read about it, perhaps they wouldn’t dare to go through hell. But they are illiterate - they only know three letters, and still, they don’t write them in a human way.

While the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was counting data obtained from all areas, Bashtanka people were counting their achievements. On March 7, Bashtanka Territorial Defense announced a record - in 10 days of resistance, three "Pantsirs” (medium-range surface-to-air missile systems) were captured. They searched the internet for how much this piece of iron costs. And they were surprised.  The cost of the anti-aircraft missile system "Pantsir-C1" ranged from $13 to $15 million. Multiplied by the hryvnia exchange rate - more than a billion came out.  "Earned quite something," laughed the Bashtanka people.

Addressing the community, its head Oleksandr Berehovyi did not choose words: “I do not cease to marvel at the strong spirit of our people and the heroism of the people of Bashtanshchyna. Today, the peasants of Plyushchivka and Pisky, led by the mayor Anatoliy Barannikov, captured, neutralized, and took as prisoners a dozen Russian occupiers on their own. "Not-really-liberators" have already been handed safe and sound to the National Police. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the fearless residents of two local villages! By your example, you inspire others to selflessly protect their home and their land!”

His page on the social network is decorated with Repin's painting "Cossacks".  And not in vain. The famous artist considered a Russian, was born in Chuhuiv, a city in Kharkiv region near the border with the enemy. Let's not give away anything that is our’s - not only Oleksandr is convinced of this, but also every Ukrainian.

However, with the beginning of hostilities, he rarely visits his page. Prefers to communicate through the group on Facebook. There, his short video address to the community is seen by more audience. He is a wartime manager, and this requires constant addressing of complex community livelihood issues. Coordinating the military, territorial defense, employees of public utilities, volunteers. Among them is the “Bunker” Coordination Center. In Bashtanka they say: in our community, everyone fights on his front - either the front line or at home. It doesn't matter how you support Ukraine: knit socks, bake cakes, patrol the streets, send money, help neighbors, raise children, or hold weapons.

Recently, “Bunker” helped to organize a system to provide villages with basic necessities and medicines. The first deliveries had begun. Medicines, flour, cereals, personal hygiene products, warm blankets, and towels were handed over to the villages of the community.  People who could not buy food already received 163 food kits.

"Our compatriots also assist the military, who are serving in territorial defense and protection units," says Vasyl Honta. Before the war, he edited the newspaper "Voice of Bashtanshchyna". Now he stood up to defend his hometown.  Special words of gratitude he addresses to the parishioners of the "Living Water" church, as well as residents of the surrounding streets, who help the church to prepare their own food.

The Ukrainian fighter himself is a terrible force, and when he is well-fed, he crushes anyone. As an illustration - a picture of a Bashtanka citizen in the form of territorial defense. The man points to the provisions, and says with a smile: "For this salo we will put down everyone."

But humor is now a rare guest in the land of Bashtanshchyna. The war continues, and every day brings sad news. On the morning of March 13, the enemy carried out airstrikes. Damaged houses on Sazonenko Street. There were people in one of them.  The whole family was horrified by the "liberation actions of the Russian world." The woman and daughter were not injured, but the father was trapped.

It hurts people to look at what is destroyed, but they are determined. The situation is now under control. Damaged communications are being restored in the city, humanitarian aid is being distributed. Locals say they cannot be conquered. Whatever happens, they stubbornly say: “Yes, we are from Bashtanka! All together, united!”


war war stories


Миколаївська область


Баштанська територіальна громада


Український кризовий медіа центр

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