Ukrainian municipality heads have shown a genuine face of russia, a terrorist state to representatives of European cities

Initiated by the MinRegion, the first online-marathon «Global local self-government solidarity for the sake of welfare of people and the world» has started today, having invited local self-government representatives from Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia – the countries accepting Ukrainian war refugees now.

"We wanted them to hear directly from us, Ukrainian municipalities heads, about terrorism, barbarism, destruction of Ukrainian cities, executions of civilians, children massacre, taking place daily", - said Minister of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Oleksiy Chernyshov.

Mayors of the towns and cities, having been damaged due to the russian aggression, have shown municipality representatives of the neighbouring European countries how the enemy ruins everything, having been created and built by Ukraine and have demonstrated solidarity and readiness to resist the enemy.

18.03.2022 - 16:38 | Views: 3136

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Oleksii Chernyshov war


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