The ABO (OR) Agency has launched the Evacuation.City media: everything about opportunities for evacuated Ukrainians

Thousands of Ukrainian and foreign volunteers have created a host of telegram-channels, chat-bots, pages in social media, platforms for people, having been forced to flee homes. However, it is very difficult to find information when needed as there is a lot of information and it is not systematized.

That is the reason for the ABO Local Media Development Agency to launch the  Evacuation.City site.

The platform content is targeted to people, having migrated within Ukraine and abroad, and is aimed at uniting all the aid, provided to the collateral damage.

“Now there is a lot of information about the aid for forced migrants, lacking systematization. We will be collecting, verifying, systematizing and presenting it in a convenient form. It is important for Ukrainians, being in a critical situation, to simplify the search process of where to stay, how to go abroad and what to do there”, – clarifies Lera Lauda, co-founder of the ABO agency.

16.03.2022 - 17:42 | Views: 3505

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