«Global local self-government solidarity for the sake of welfare of people and the world»: the international marathon is starting on March,18

On, the international marathon «Global local self-government solidarity for the sake of welfare of people and the world» is starting at 12 A.M. Kyiv time on March, 18.

On the first day of the marathon there will be held a dialogue between representatives of the local self-government, including those of the twin-towns from the countries accepting most Ukrainian refugees: Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, and leaders of the Ukrainian local self-government. Foreign mass media are also invited to participate in the dialogue.

The event is aimed at showing the world a genuine face of the war, started by russia against Ukraine, and enhancing partnership of the Ukrainian and world local self-government.

The event will be streamed at Facebook-pages of the MinRegion, Programme of the Council of Europe «Decentralisation and public administration reform in Ukraine», «Decentralisation», the Association of Ukrainian Cities and the Association of Municipalities.

16.03.2022 - 12:21 | Views: 5725
«Global local self-government solidarity for the sake of welfare of people and the world»: the international marathon is starting on March,18


announcement war international support


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