The Government has defined peculiarities of local budgets formation and fulfillment under the martial law

On March, 11, the Government adopted resolution №252, defining peculiarities of local budgets formation and fulfillment under the martial law.

Resolution № 252 stipulates that for the purpose of efficient managerial decision making, aimed at ensuring non-stop operation of budget establishments, communal enterprises and meeting municipality residents’ vital needs under the martial law, introduced by the President’s Decree № 64 On Introduction of Martial Law in Ukraine as of February, 24, 2022,  local budgets formation and fulfillment shall be performed according to the budget legislation, taking into consideration certain peculiarities, clarified in the material.

12.03.2022 - 12:39 | Views: 5697
The Government has defined peculiarities of local budgets formation and fulfillment under the martial law


budget war


Асоціація міст України

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