Cooperation of municipalities: 5 municipalities of the Sumy oblast will jointly form an up-to-date solid household waste management infrastructure

Five Sumy oblast municipalities will jointly implement a modern system of solid household management. The cooperation agreement has been signed by the Romny town municipality, Lypovodolynska settlement municipality, Korovynska, Andriyashivska, Khmelivska village municipalities.

The cooperation of municipalities is being developed within the project «Facilitating all-round municipality development via analytics, dialogue and collaboration», supported by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, realized under the grant agreement between the All-Ukrainian Association of Local Self-Government Bodies «Association of Ukrainian Cities» and the German Association of International Cooperation (GIZ).

«It is important to involve additional funds from the state budget or other sources to realise the project. However, it is even more important to change awareness of all residents of municipalities-partners and provide them with knowledge of modern approaches to waste management within our joint project», - emphasized the mayor of Romny Oleh Stohniy.


14.02.2022 - 10:37 | Views: 4322
Cooperation of municipalities: 5 municipalities of the Sumy oblast will jointly form an up-to-date solid household waste management infrastructure


cooperation garbage


Сумська область


Андріяшівська територіальна громада Коровинська територіальна громада Липоводолинська територіальна громада Роменська територіальна громада Хмелівська територіальна громада


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