The oblast geo-informational portal has been presented in the Kherson oblast

One can get acquainted with the main information on the Kherson oblast at one resource –a geo-informational portal. It is a pilot project, having been realized in Ukraine for the first time.

It was developed free of charge by experts of the Union of Researchers of Ukraine, involving representatives of oblast state administrations, Kherson State University and oblast municipalities.

On February, 10, the Kherson oblast portal was presented for oblast municipalities, with its developers showing how municipalities can use the resource.

“It is a great step forward. Now at one register one can find out any information to rely upon while making decisions. It is an efficient tool, useful in developing municipalities”, - claimed Vitalii Bezghin, the head of the subcommittee on the administrative and territorial arrangement.



11.02.2022 - 09:56 | Views: 3797
The oblast geo-informational portal has been presented in the Kherson oblast

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regional development elektronne vriaduvannia Pavlo Ostapenko


Херсонська область


Херсонська ОДА

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