A municipality from the Dnipropetrovsk oblast has started recycling with the help of superheroes, trainings and festivals

In 2019 there were 135 refuse containers on the territory of the Krynychanska municipality of the Dnipropetrovsk oblast, from where waste was taken to the dump heap. Everything changed after the municipality participation in the environment and educational project competition by U-LEAD. Now there is an entrepreneur, busy with collecting wastes and the locals are aware of recycling, and environment protection is highlighted for children at the local kindergartens by superheroes.               

Two years ago, the Environment Root youth public organization won the grant to promote awareness of the local residents. Thanks to the grant the municipality held an environment festival, bought sorting containers, conducted experts’ trainings and lectures and even created own superheroes.

«The project covered all the population strata from preschoolers to retired people. It was decided to involve experts to explain everything in detail and clearly to the municipality inhabitants. Superheroes were created for preschoolers and pupils to tell them about recycling and environment awareness», — said Viktoria Trotsenko, ex-employee of the settlement council executive committee.




Дніпропетровська область


Криничанська територіальна громада


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