There has been prolonged the term of municipality application filing for the project «Municipalities as the essential element of arranging a dialogue between agrarians and bee-masters»

Municipalities of the Poltava oblast are welcome to participate in the project «Municipalities as the essential element of arranging a dialogue between agrarians and bee-masters», introduced by the public organisation «Association of the Agrarian business Ukrainian club» with support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

The Project is aimed at arranging communication of local municipalities, agrarians and bee-masters, as well as creating an efficient mechanism of informing to avoid bee demise, caused by plant protection agent application.

To participate in the Project fill in the form by 6 P.M. on February, 7, 2022.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with Olha Kukhar at 096 486 5175, for details.


02.02.2022 - 12:44 | Views: 3525

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competition international support


Полтавська область


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