24 municipalities will receive expert support for business development!

This support will be provided within the Initiative “Business-friendly hromada. Business Support Instruments in hromadas”. The Initiative is implemented by the Business Community Club Ukraine with U-LEAD’s support. The municipalities were selected after the practically-oriented course which took place during October – December 2021 with the participation of 384 specialists from 192 municipalities.

After this course, the Business Community Club Ukraine assessed applications from 140 municipalities, 24 of which will continue to work in one of 3 directions for business development:

  1. Creating a plan for systematic communication between the municipality and business
  2. Development of a program to support business in the municipality
  3. Preparing the action plan for attracting investments in the municipality.

Please check the list of selected municipalities at https://bit.ly/3g6aAmw

29.01.2022 - 10:04 | Views: 3777

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business international support


Програма «U-LEAD з Європою»

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