The Losynivska Community in Chernihiv Oblast recently installed new shopping arcades in three settlements with the support of the USAID DOBRE Program. The partners also helped to purchase stands for the stadium so that young people could have a rest and hold sports competitions. And this is just a part of the results of many years of cooperation.
The idea to install the shopping arcade arose back in 2021 when the community was developing a local economic development plan at the beginning of its cooperation with USAID DOBRE. However, they initially focused on more strategic projects, such as creating a local development agency. Then, a full-scale war interfered with the plans. In 2022, the Program continued its work in Ukraine, and the Losynivka community remained among the partners for a new stage of cooperation. Now, it's time to remember your dreams and make them come true. The first project in the new phase of cooperation is the trade rows.
“In 2021, a working group that included farmers, local businesses, education, and community representatives discussed their ideas for local economic development. Back then, they said they wanted shopping arcades. But at that time, they were not a priority,” recalls Ms. Natalia Safronova, USAID DOBRE Program Specialist, ”And now that the community has the opportunity to implement a local economic development project, they decided to realize their dream."
The locals wanted to see the shopping arcades exactly like this: open structures with a roof and tables. People also determined the locations. Despite attempts by local authorities to offer more profitable or comfortable locations, people wanted to trade where they were used to. The trading lines were distributed among three settlements: Losynivka, Svitanok, and Halytsya. Small markets have been operating here for decades, attracting traders from other localities as well.
For example, in the village of Svitanok, there are also entrepreneurs from Pryluky and Nizhyn who trade every Thursday. And, of course, the locals. According to Mr. Anatolii Velychenko, the head of Svitanok village council, the village has a real tradition of trading here, where many people bring their vegetables, products, crafts, etc.
Anatolii Velychenko
In Halytsya, a slightly larger village, the trading rows are set up by the road. And there are a few more of them. On a Saturday afternoon, you can see a lot of people who come to the market not only to buy things, but also to socialize. And also to advise guests where to buy the most delicious local watermelons.
In Losynivka, the stalls were set up in the town center, and unlike in the previous two cases, the trade here takes place every day. The selection is diverse: from handmade hair jewelry to craft cheese made according to traditional and original recipes. To make it convenient for people to visit this place, the entrepreneur who owns the territory and the store nearby installed a bicycle parking lot and helps to keep things in order.
The shopping arcade, which was set up in cooperation with USAID DOBRE, will allow about 50 entrepreneurs to comfortably sell their products. In addition, the Program also purchased garbage cans and dry closets for the community, which can be moved to other locations when organizing events. The installation of shopping arcades can be the beginning of the development of additional infrastructure and later grow into a place of unity and interaction, a tradition maintained in the community for decades.
The second project, implemented by the Losynivska community in cooperation with USAID DOBRE, was an idea of the youth. The local stadium is a favorite place for the community's children, but there was no place for spectators of sporting events. Thanks to the implementation of the youth project, there are now brand new stands, just like in real stadiums.
“Our young people were looking for a project that they could use right now, all the time, and for different purposes. As part of a previous youth project, USAID DOBRE purchased a mobile cinema for us. Now young people will be able to use the stands not only for organizing sports competitions but also for an open-air cinema. We also installed additional benches and dry closets at the stadium,” said Ms. Olha Porodko, chief specialist of the Department of Housing, Improvement, Architecture, Urban Development, Infrastructure Development and Land Relations of the Losynivska community.
Olha Porodko
Over the four years of cooperation between the Losynivska territorial community and the USAID DOBRE Program, 12 projects have been implemented. This is just what the community can see at home. However, the Program also provides technical support, advice, and training to help local authorities become even more capable and cope with challenges.
“USAID DOBRE helped us implement projects that we could not do on our own. And it is also very important that we are taught and receive many trainings. We use all this knowledge in our work,” added Mr. Anatolii Strilets, head of the Losynivska community.
Anatolii Strilets
Losynivska community is a small, cozy community in Chernihiv Oblast that cares about people and preserving its traditions. If the locals are used to shopping in Losynivka, Svitanok and Halytsya, then this is where they will have new shopping arcades. And if young people want to get together at the stadium, the community uses the opportunities and helps to bring their ideas to life here.
More photos from the visit to the Losynivska community of Chernihiv Oblast can be found here.