A set of discussions of local economic development legislative pillars is over in Lviv

Legislative pillars of local economic development were discussed on January, 21, at the joint event by the HOVERLA USAID Project and Association of Ukrainian Cities in Lviv. Almost 100 people participated in the event: people’s deputies of Ukraine, representatives of government agencies, oblast state administrations, oblast councils, local self-government and their associations representatives.

«A third of the Lviv oblast municipalities has already written their own development strategies, others are doing it now. I hope that by the end of the year all municipalities of the Lviv oblast will have prepared development strategies. On the one hand, such strategies are a European practice, on the other hand, - an opportunity for municipalities to attract investment», - said Maksym Kozytskyi, the head of the Lviv Oblast Administration.

24.01.2022 - 12:14 | Views: 3204
A set of discussions of local economic development legislative pillars is over in Lviv

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regional development stratehiia rozvytku


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