January, 27 – the StateGeoCadastre is to present the Main State Topographic Map with the scale of 1:50 000

On January, 27 the StateGeoCadastre is presenting the upgraded State Topographic Map.

The event starts at 10:00 A.M. at the open online ZOOM-conference, entitled “The role and place of the Main State Topographic Map with the scale of 1:50 000 for the realization of the national infrastructure of geospacer data”.

The conference will present the peculiarities of creation and upgrading of the Main State Topographic Map, opportunities of its application and usage in the future.

Representatives of the government agencies, local self-government, public organisations and experts in topography, geodesics and mapping are welcome to participate in the event.

21.01.2022 - 13:03 | Views: 4439
January, 27 – the StateGeoCadastre is to present the Main State Topographic Map with the scale of 1:50 000




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