UAH 231 million of subvention for ASCs establishment in 2022: which municipalities will be supported on the first priority basis

UAH 231 million of subvention has been allotted for ASCnetwork development in 2022. Municipalities with the population of more than 10 thousand people, still lacking an ASC, will get the subvention on the first priority basis. Today the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has made such a decision.

"Today we have amended the ruling, regulating the subvention procedure, in particular, the funds can be spent on equipping ASC territorial divisions and remote work places. Last year the ASC network increased almost twice. More than 90% Ukrainians share their positive experience of getting services in ASCs. The key objective stays the same — each Ukrainian town with the population exceeding 10 thousand people must have its own ASC this year", - commented Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal.

19.01.2022 - 13:53 | Views: 7395
UAH 231 million of subvention for ASCs establishment in 2022: which municipalities will be supported on the first priority basis


Administrative services


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