Municipalities of the Kherson oblast are being selected to participate in the project «To municipality development via creative project success»

The Association of Creative Industries of Ukraine and U-LEAD with Europe invite municipalities of the Kherson oblast to take part in the project «To municipality development via creative project success».

The project is aimed at the Kherson oblast municipalities where representatives of local self-government and creative industries will run the gamut from a joint project idea to filing an application to get funds for the project to be realized.

The project is targeted to arranging cooperation between representatives of local self-government and creative industries of the Kherson oblast via joint projects, aimed at revealing municipality creative potential.

To participate in the project selection, please, fill in the form and send it to by 9 P.M. on February, 4, 2022.

The project details are available at:

19.01.2022 - 13:21 | Views: 4525
Municipalities of the Kherson oblast are being selected to participate in the project «To municipality development via creative project success»

Attached files:


competition international support


Херсонська область


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