The Terebovlya municipality has introduced the service of foster care

On January, 5, 2022, there was signed the agreement on the conditions of child foster care service introduction and functioning at the Terebovlya urban municipality, being a pilot one within the project «Reforming the system of institutional child care and upbringing in the Ternopil oblast», realized with support of the World Bank and the Ministry of Social Policy.

The agreement was concluded between foster carers and the Terebovlya town council, represented by its head Oleh Prodan.

The service is urgent as orphanages are undergoing reform, and foster care prevents kids, being under severe life circumstances and in need of urgent accommodation, from getting into orphanages.

18.01.2022 - 13:53 | Views: 5633
The Terebovlya municipality has introduced the service of foster care


social services


Тернопільська область


Теребовлянська територіальна громада


Міністерство соціальної політики України

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