The future Lviv agglomeration has been discussed for the first time, on the basis of the thorough sociological research

The Lviv and its neighbouring municipalities gathered to discuss the opportunities to create the Lviv agglomeration.

The discussion «Intermunicipal cooperation development within the potential Lviv agglomeration», having been held today in the oblast, was organized with support by the Council of Europe Programme «Decentralisation and public administration reform in Ukraine».

For the first time Lviv agglomeration creation was discussed, based on the thorough sociological research «Thoughts and views of residents of the potential Lviv agglomeration, conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology in October-November of 2021, having been commissioned by the Council of Europe Programme and in coordination with the Council of Europe experts, local self-government experts.  


agglomeration research V.Nehoda


Львівська область


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