It will be possible to complete decentralisation provided the efficient governance is at all levels

What steps must be taken by the state for decentralization to be completed?

The question was answered by Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda in his interview for OTG-Inform Chernihivshchyna.

«Decentralisation can be heard to have been completed but it is not the case. In 2020 we formed the territorial basis of power arrangement – local self-government and public authorities. In fact, the new administrative and territorial arrangement has been established. Based on it, local elections were held but the authorities’ efficient system has certain standards, envisaged in the European Charter of Local Self-Government, being an integral part of the Ukrainian legislation. By 2020 the system of authorities of Ukraine had not met the Charter whereas today it meets the Charter only at the basic level and not by 100%. At the rayon and oblast level our local self-government and executive power system still contradicts the international standards. So, it will be possible to complete decentralisation provided the efficient governance is at all levels», - clarified the Deputy Minister.

08.12.2021 - 17:35 | Views: 2781
It will be possible to complete decentralisation provided the efficient governance is at all levels




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