How the state facilitates municipality development – Vyacheslav Nehoda’s comments

Municipality interests are a priority of the state budget of Ukraine. It was highlighted by Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda in his interview for OTG-Inform Chernihivshchyna.

According to Nehoda, to establish capable municipalities, the state, first of all, implements decentralisation, providing a wide range of tools – organizational, methodical and financial ones for municipality development.

«The state has involved dozens of donors, experts, assisting municipalities in adjusting to new conditions and in being established. Municipality interests are a priority of the state budget of Ukraine. Suffice it to estimate the indicators of the State Budget of Ukraine for 2021, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on December, 2. According to the document, the total value of the local budget financial resource for 2022 is UAH 630,8 billion, including local budget incomes – UAH 437,2 billion; transfers from the state budget – UAH 193,6 billion», the interview reports.



08.12.2021 - 09:42 | Views: 3263
How the state facilitates municipality development – Vyacheslav Nehoda’s comments


V.Nehoda budget


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