December, 9 – the municipality conference «Spatial planning of the territory development»

At 3 P.M. on December, 9, 2021, the municipality conference «Spatial planning of the territory development» will be held, supported by the AGRO USAID Programme. The conference will present the first experience of developing complex plans of spatial municipality development in Ukraine, according to the new legislation. The projects were developed on the basis of the Pisochynska and Rohanska municipalities of the Kharkiv oblast.

The conference is aimed at informing municipalities about the incumbent legislation, passed for the purpose of municipality territory spatial planning, as well as sharing practical tools of efficient development and usage of spatial development complex plans with interested municipalities.

Municipalities and media representatives are welcome to participate in the online conference stream at USAID AGRO pages in YouTube and Facebook.

23.11.2021 - 13:55 | Views: 4190
December, 9 – the municipality conference «Spatial planning of the territory development»


announcement spatial planning land


Програма USAID з аграрного і сільського розвитку (АГРО)

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