Council of Europe opinion on the finalized draft law on the city of Kyiv — the capital of Ukraine
The Centre of Expertise for Good Governance of the Council of Europe has come up with Opinion on the finalized draft law of Ukraine on the city of Kyiv — the capital of Ukraine (№ 2143-3).
The draft law of Ukraine on the city of Kyiv — the capital of Ukraine in its current wording has been radically finalized and improved. Most of the issues related to the previous wording of the draft, causing concerns, have been solved. All the recommendations by the Council of Europe concerning the previous wording have been taken into consideration, although some of them - only partly.
That is why it is recommended to approve the current draft law either after the approval of the general Law on local public administrations or in a package with it.
Attached files:
місто КиївГромади:
Програма Ради Європи «Децентралізація і реформа публічної адміністрації в Україні»
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