The first shelter for victims of domestic violence in the Sumy oblast to emerge at the Trostyanets municipality

The first in the Sumy oblast shelter for victims of domestic violence is to appear at the beginning of the next year within the Social Services Centre of the Trostyanets town council. It will be located in the premises of the ex-health care establishment, being repaired currently.

«Establishing a shelter is an urgent need of the municipality, with 94 cases of domestic violence having been recorded here last year, – says Trostyanets deputy mayor, Olena Volkova. – Mostly women are victims but quite often the elderly suffer from domestic violence, with not only physical but also psychological  and economic violence when a person is constantly abused verbally or deprived of money».

17.11.2021 - 15:41 | Views: 8063

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social services


Сумська область


Тростянецька територіальна громада


Міністерство соціальної політики України

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