U-LEAD’s training programme called “Steps for project managers 2021” started

240 project teams from Ukrainian municipalities take part in the new U-LEAD’s training programme called “Steps for project managers 2021”. They will be studying all the details of a project’s life cycle. They will also get acquainted with the project management best practices during an online study visit to a successful municipality.

Tomasz Ostropolski, Policy Officer for Decentralisation and Sectoral Reform of EU Delegation to Ukraine:

“U-LEAD with Europe set up a comprehensive approach towards capacity development of hromadas. We welcome enthusiastic project teams representing all 24 Oblasts of Ukraine which have been selected for this training programme. The best project proposals developed by the participants, who have successfully completed the full cycle of the training programme, will be eligible for funding following a transparent competition.”

Bastian Veigel, GIZ Programme Director of U-LEAD with Europe:

“The unique feature of “Steps for Project Management Specialists 2021” training programme is its participants. 240 project teams, composed of local self-government employees, communal enterprises representatives as well as NGOs’ representatives, so around 700 participants in total! They are involved in the preparation and implementation of local development projects in municipalities. There are 4 months of hard, but exciting and useful work ahead of you and we hope that skills and experience, acquired during this programme, will enable you to grow professionally in the future.”

11.11.2021 - 18:43 | Views: 3401

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