Without queues and certificates: the Verkhovna Rada has adopted the bill on the online registration of the place of residence

Changing a place of registration is one of the most popular and complicated to obtain public services. One in three Ukrainians resides not at the place of registration and more than a million people do not have any registration at all. To inform the state on your place of residence, it is necessary to stand in several queues and gather a lot of paper documents.

“The bill changes the philosophy of registering a place of residence. It will be declarative — a person can indicate their factual address and get the accommodation owner’s confirmation in a special app or at the Diya portal. There is no need gathering papers or going to ASCs. For the state to understand where a person is registered there are e-registers, rather than document copies. In the 21-st century people are able to move around the country freely, not depending on seals in their passports”, — claimed Mykhaylo Fedorov.

05.11.2021 - 15:51 | Views: 4427
Without queues and certificates: the Verkhovna Rada has adopted the bill on the online registration of the place of residence


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