According to the legislation, it is necessary to establish an ASC in each municipality within the next two years. It is much easier to cope with the task now as the Government, our international partners and municipalities are quite experienced. The main thing is the municipality wish to deliver quality services on its territory.
It was highlighted by of Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda during the presentation of the project «PROSTO: Support of Service Accessibility in Ukraine, 2021-2023»:
«Under our monitoring data of the reform, 1003 municipalities out of 1420, currently functioning in Ukraine, already have ASCs. We have to assist the others in making decisions quickly. It goes without saying, not all municipalities will be able to establish an up-to-date ASC at their own expense. That is why the Government has allotted UAH 231 million of the subvention for this year for ASCs to be established. 188 municipalities will be able to use it. Municipalities should also search for additional opportunities, including the intermunicipal cooperation tool», - claimed Vyacheslav Nehoda.
Administrative services V.Nehoda
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