All-Ukrainian competition for reports on decentralisation: the commission has started assessing the entries
This year over 300 reports have been submitted to the All-Ukrainian competition for reports «Reforming local self-government and territorial power arrangement».
274 reports have been recognized as meeting the standards of the Competition Provisions. Today the competition commission has begun working to assess the entries in three stages and will complete its functioning in the middle of December.
«It is important for us to see that the journalists’ environment pays attention to such a vital reform as reporters’ work on decentralization is a tool of ensuring a quality feed-back. They help to understand how the reform is perceived by people, how it influences their lives and municipalities, what problems emerge. That all serves for the development of reform further steps. And the All-Ukrainian competition assists in activating reporters around decentralization and municipalities’ transformations. Annually the number of reports, being submitted to the competition, increases. Within 5 previous years the commission processed more than 1000 entries. This year we have to process almost 300 video- and radio materials, printed and online publications. In December we are planning to award the authors of the best works», - commented Serhiy Sharov, the director of the Directorate on Local Self-Government, Territorial Power Arrangement and Administrative and Territorial Arrangement of the MinRegion, Deputy Head of the competition commission.

Пресцентр ініціативи "Децентралізація"

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