Kyiv is the only municipality of Ukraine with local self-government being under the aegis of the executive branch of power in opposition to the European Charter

The Draft Law On the City of Kyiv – the Capital of Ukraine (№ 2143-3) is aimed at restoring full-fledged self-government in Kyiv, clearly differentiating the powers of the Kyiv City Council, its executive bodies and Kyiv City State Administration.

Key aspects of the draft were highlighted today during the briefing by representatives of the parliamentary Committee on Public Authorities Organisation, Local Self-Government, Regional and Urban Development, the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine and experts.

«Deceptive information is spread that the draft law will allegedly limit Kyiv mayor powers. It fails to line up with the reality. Firstly, just on the contrary, the draft law restores local self-government in Kyiv, and article 8 envisages that own executive body, headed by the Kyiv mayor, shall be established at the Kyiv City Council. The draft also stipulates restoring rayon councils in Kyiv with clearly defined powers», - clarified Vitalii Bezghin, a people’s deputy of Ukraine, the head of the subcommittee on administrative and territorial arrangement and local self-government.


law V.Nehoda Yu.Hanushchak


місто Київ




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