Why does Bila Tserkva need Kyiv? Why does Kyiv need Brovary and why does Obukhiv require new partners?

The Association of Local Self-Government Bodies «Kyiv Conurbation» is turning two years old.

Urban development is radically changing the world. According to the trend assessment for 2015-2020, some years ago the world population urbanism level was 54,9%, and the urban population growth rate was 1,84%, concentrating mainly around the main planet points of attraction – powerful city conurbations.

Definitely it is an objective process, thus, public institutions, local self-government bodies have to learn how to manage it, to create proper conditions for co-habitation, cooperation, common interests, to achieve comfort for everybody. Efficient management leads to the country economic growth, proper social equality, reasonable usage of natural and labour resources.

05.10.2021 - 12:41 | Views: 4455
Why does Bila Tserkva need Kyiv? Why does Kyiv need Brovary and why does Obukhiv require new partners?




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Програма Ради Європи «Децентралізація і реформа публічної адміністрації в Україні»

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