How will the Law On the Population Self-Organisation Bodies change? All those concerned have conducted an open dialogue

An open dialogue on the efficient legal basis tools of municipality residents’ participation in solving local issues was conducted in Kyiv by the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine jointly with the Association of Population Self-Organisation Facilitation, DESPRO and the Vidrodzhennya (Renaissance) international foundation.

«Efficient local self-government functioning is important for us. This year their jurisdiction has exceeded the settlement boundaries. There are municipalities, including 80-90 settlements. The elections, having been held last October, complied both with the majority and proportional voted systems.  Due to that, municipality councils sometimes lack the appropriate representation of all the settlements. For the purpose of balancing, we have established starosta districts, headed by starostas. Now it is necessary to legally regulate issues of the population self-organisation bodies. The MinRegion, jointly with associations and experts, has been working over the development of amendments to the Law On the Population Self-Organisation Bodies», - explained Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda.

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