The USA goes on supporting Ukraine in fulfilling major reforms. The new HOVERLA project has been launched

«Coincidence of the pandemic and decentralisation new stage timelines is unexpected and complicated, with each day being a challenge. However, municipalities prove that the local self-government is able to respond to such challenges. All branches of power, international technical support projects, associations work jointly to assist municipalities in their formation. We are happy to be joined by the HOVERLA powerful project. I am sure that the project will become a bright page in the Ukrainian decentralisation story», - said Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda during the presentation of the HOVERLA project.

The project plans to function for five years in Ukraine. The project funding is USA $ 74 million. According to Gabriel Abraham, the project head, the project has selected the first 25 partner municipalities from the Volyn, Lviv and Poltava oblasts for the further joint work.

27.09.2021 - 18:32 | Views: 4163
The USA goes on supporting Ukraine in fulfilling major reforms. The new HOVERLA project has been launched




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